Neurofeedback is a dynamic training approach that stimulates your brain’s natural learning processes. Your brain responds to the training with its natural tendency towards self-regulation, resilience, and flexibility.

In simple terms, neurofeedback helps your brain be its best self. Every brain wants to function as it was originally designed and have self-regulation, resilience, and flexibility. If a brain is struggling with these things, neurofeedback can help.

Our Neuroptimal system uses sensors and grounds to read your sub conscious brain activity and allows your brain to look at itself in the mirror and correct unhealthy pathways.

While your brain activity is being read, calming music is played and when your brain gets into a subconscious state of turmoil, the sound cuts out, bringing your mind back to the present which in turn creates healthy pathways in your brain.

The more that you train your brain, the stronger it will become, and those healthy pathways will become stronger and deeper. The cool thing about this therapy is that the gains your brain makes, STICK. Every person is different with the number of sessions they need, but you will know when you are done.